How to create an account at Mind Capital

To register in Mind Capital is very easy and quick, just follow the link here and you'll access to the form to start investing.

Once you have an opened account you need to send bitcoins to your Mind capital wallet, so in case you don't know how to do it, I  recommend you to use Coinbase, as it's one of the most trustable companies to buy BTC online. Here bellow you'll see a video with the steps to buy BTC at Coinbase

Mind capital uses in the platform its own token called Mccoin, which is equivalent to 1$. You'll need to send to your Mind Capital wallet the equivalent value on BTC, which basically is like buying dolars with BTC. The minimum value to start is 40$ so just consider sending always  this minimum quantity. 

After detailing the quantity you want to transfer the system will give you the adress to make the transfer in BTC.

Here bellow you have the video on how to proceed step by step 

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